
Jie and I

had a nice chat with Jie on the way travelling to NP from ye ye house...
on the bus..
talked about how we do stuff,
especially for SJ..
and then,
realised that actually,
we are quite similar in the way we do stuff...
wells wells,
come to think of it,
certain part of our character quite similar...
in actual fact,
we're twins!
although it's twins of 2 years' difference...
haha.. =P
i intro my Jie for a bit..

PTT is her initials..
not precipitation ar.. haha.. =P
we are borned in the same month of MAY!
She's older than me by 2 Years and 8 Days..
but we share the same Lunar Birthday..
that's how my theory of Twins came about.. haha.. =P
she and went to the same Kindergarden, Primary School and Poly...
different Secondary School..
we are in the same CCA..
she's quite normal size and i'm fat.. boo~ haha.. =P
she's shorter than me! haha.. =P i'm very evil..
she's got inner double eyelids and i have single eyelids..
she has long hair while i have short hair..
we both have red coloured Sony phones! =)
we share the same room..
we are both stubborn, she's more stubborn than me... and, actually, my ah ma, ye ye and dad are all stubborn too.. haha.. =P
we both wear specs..
she wears contact lens and i don't...
we are both SADISTIC! haha.. =P
she's the kind that would arrange her bed neatly every morning while i'm the kind that would just leave my bed as it is every morning.. haha.. =P

there's a lot of similarities that i didn't state..
cox i just realised it today..
and cox she'll kill me if i say...
but anyways,
thanks Jie~
(erm, for what, i'm not saying.. haha.. =P)
my twin of 2 years difference..
haha.. =P
i'm lame,
yes, VERY...
i'm as lame as how i'm evil..
haha.. =P
that's all..

*Futari =)*

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