
Bring It On!

Sunday is the day man.
right, that's 2 days away,
meaning we've only got today and tmr to train,
then it'd be the decisive day.
i'm gonna go for training later,
then go to waterloo street to pray.
then go home also pray.
pray, not for the mistakes of others, not for the downfall of others, and not for the incompetence of others.
i will be praying for the excellence of ours, the professionalism of ours, the rising to the top of ours.
yes i cal tell you that i have a strong desire for us to beat them, to win champion.
all of us have that desire.
but instead of beating them when they are low, beating them when they are lousy,
i'd rather beat them when they are at the top of their game, when they are at their very best.
because in that way, that's the time when we've truly beaten them.
i believe that this isn't impossible.
Singapore won China in the world table tennis championships.
they didn't win because China made mistakes.
they won because of their high morale.
and because of FAITH.
have FAITH in yourselves. because i have that in you all. every single one of you.

and to xiaohaizi,
i hope you all can win.
you all take champ we take 2nd okay? haha, jkjk. but do your best and beat you know who. =P
this is the year where new blood rise to the top of the game.
it's the time of CHANGE.
cheer up and get your morale boosted.
for your corps, for SinMa pride, for 2010!
set the trend in the change! FAITH is the key.=)

and amanda,
sayang sayang,
cheer up alright?
it's hard but try to.
rmb what i told you ytd.
you are more impt than anyone else.
anything happen to you, alot of people will xin tong de...
so dun let anything happen to you alright? =)

i am now waiting for a one hour lesson that's supposed to start at 2pm.
how stupid can things get? zzz
enough said.

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