

this ATC, i would say that i showed cadets a side of me that they haven't see before..
but i think, somehow, this side isn't part of me,
like how i told Sharmine, i keep screwing up when i scolded them
like zao xia or hiccups,
or suddenly say wrong thing.
but at least, i stopped myself from smiling for a whole 3 days,
which i think somehow worked?
but all in all,
i didn't really do much for this camp,
slept more than other camps also..
this camp may not be a success,
may not have gone the way we planned or wanted,
may not have changed things as much as we wanted,
and disappointment can be felt,
the sense of disappointment is so strong,
but one thing that made me really love this camp,
and think that it is a memorable and well spent 3D2N,
is the fact that many many seniors came back for this camp to help,
it made me feel that SJ still has a place in their heart,
although they may not come back frequently,
SJ is not cut off from their lives.
and for once,
since a long long long long time,
i felt that i was never alone in this family called SJAB.
it feels warm and nice that they are back,
it's like back to the time when we have many many ppl coming back to SJ.
really miss those times,
when we say "bond in unity one big family"
wonders if everyone misses those times?
now it's time to accelerate,
and it's time to increase our efficiency,
let's go ppl.
i would never feel alone,
or feel like there's nobody there,
cox i know there are so many ppl who no doubt are not physically with us,
but has SJ in one corner of their hearts.
and you know you can always count on them anytime.
with them around, you know you've got the whole world behind you,
supporting you, and you know you can do anything,
you know you can endure till the end.
Thanks alot to everyone who came back,
especially Jia Hong, Siew Huai, Wan Teng, Felicia, Wai Peng, Benjamin, Edward, Ryan,
who helped with all the training activities,
and thanks to the CCO Priscilla, DYCCO Hui Ying, for planning together.
To the cadets,
i do hope you remember what all the trainers taught you in the 3D2N,
and i hope this experience etch in your mind,
and you become a better person who lives your lives to the fullest,
and you make the corps a better one, of a higher standard,
than how it is now.
Thanks so much everyone.
onward dragon saints! =)

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