

konbawa(good evening)

well, hmmm.. i know it's kinda inappropriate(??), but, here to talk bout something more personal...

well, i had a cold war with jie, and, well, it's intensified(??) to a point that mummy came to talk to us bout it.. probably cox both of us weren't doing housework also.. maybe to spite each other??
well, it's been quite a long time since mummy talked to us in this manner.. in this serious manner, i should say..

as expected, the talk didn't really turn out well, and emotions ran wild.. at least for me..
when i say that, i don't mean fight or what..
just that emotions that has been surpressed all these while, the unhappiness etc etc etc just exploded within me...
and i did something, which i haven't done in front of anyone for a long time, right in front of mummy, daddy, jie and dan dan(okay, this is stupid, it's basically the whole family)...

worse was, after the talk, then like between jie and i, there's still Z-E-R-O conversation/contact/whatever-you can-think-of....
Z-E-R-O, zero...
like.. i dunno what i should do also...
these few days, during the cold war, WHENEVER, yes, whenever we talk or what, we end up scolding/shouting/talking rudely to each other....

dunno dunno dunno dunno DUNNO!!!!!!
WTH.. how should i stop this stupid, childish cold war????!!!

sians =_=

it's like not so long ago...
when we were like talking to each other about EVERYTHING...
like whatever happened to us, happy/funny/sad/nice/bad stuff,
we'll discuss/talk about it...
and then now, this stupid cold war between us..
it's so irritating!!!


okay, i'm so sorry for this post..
it's very boring..
hai.. that's bout it for today..
hopes that things will improve.. =_=..

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