
realised that we've been talking less and less everyday.
it's not that we are distancing, it's just really time for you to study already.
as what everyone is saying, there's the bell curve,
to get to the top, you've gotta do more than just homework.
i believe you are more aware of that than i am.
it's good to see you busy over studying,
though your replies became short one word replies,
at least i know you are busy, and that i am not disturbing you. =)

right now, i think instead of talking to you every single day,
i should just write you a letter every week,
and pass it to you when i see you.
it would be a letter telling you about what happened,
and also one that i hope can motivate you,
encourage you to work harder.
i really hope, that you can work hard towards your goal,
and achieve your dreams.
because i know, that will be when you are really happy.

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