
Funshine Bear
loves to play and tell jokes all the time,
but sometimes forgets that there are times in life you must be serious.
He is yellow with a smiling sun on his tummy.
Funshine was originally a female Care Bear until 2002.

Wish Bear
helps make wishes come true,
and although they don't always come true,
making wishes and working hard to help make them come true is still fun.
Twinkers, a wishing star, is her best friend.
She is blue-green and her symbol is a yellow smiling shooting star.

Laugh-a-Lot Bear
turns her worst mistakes into the best jokes and her contagious laughter can even make Grumpy Bear laugh.
She is red-orange and her tummy symbol is a laughing yellow star.

Play-a-Lot Bear

loves to play and have fun, similar to his friend, Funshine Bear.
He is sky blue and his tummy symbol is a violet bouncing ball with a heart on it, followed by a rainbow trail.

hahaha~ aren't they cute? XD

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