
Time Check 07 00 hours....
in another 7 hours, i'll be having my ITL paper...
why am i awake?
i wanted to meet Sze Yee at 9am in school..
some 20 monutes ago,
i got a "live" alarm clock screaming at me..
alright, i WAS angry at that moment when i woke up,
i planned to wake up at 7.10am,
bathe, then get my ass off to school..
but why am i wide awake now,
finished eating breakfast,
blogging while waiting for about 15 minutes for digestion before i bathe?
simply because i didn't hang Dan Dan's PE shorts in his cupboard ytd..
retribution for leaving the folding of clothes to Jie...
and my mum totally went "where is the PE shorts?"
and i forgot about the one lying in my room,
and told her i hung it, at the very corner of the cupboard...
she looked,
dun have...
she made me wake up,
and said something that made me really sad, and upset just now,
"i dun care, you better get it out for me"
it cut, quite a bit...
it's retribution la...
but, it just made me felt sad,
that she's gonna solve problems this way...
like excuse me,
what if it's not even my fault to begin with..
sian lor...
and then Daddy made me feel better,
a bit la,
cox he remembered that my paper is supposed to be at 2pm,
and he kept asking me to go sleep,
when i was venting my anger by looking through the pails of unwashed clothes...
Thanks Daddy! =)
end of my frustration..
moral of the story,
"you can dun hang your own clothes, but never forget to hang your mum or your youngest sibling's"
off to bathe now.

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