thanks Ming Ming Jie and Ai Xuan Lao Shi for caring about me... =)
i'm fine,
i think maybe,
i just need to rant, to chase the emo-ness outta me..
else "eyes exercise" will occur..
haha! =P
today's maths is like, haix, CMI la~
i dun think i'll even pass the paper? =/
but i hope that i do,
and i hope that i pass the module itself!!
it's over le...
today and tomorrow shall be a break for me,
before i start on ITL...
ITL, is another killer...
but i'll do my best! ^u^
And And~
Today, went to watch UP 3D with:
Sze Yee, Marlie, Michelle, Shi Yi, Asidah, Ci Long, Derek, Chee Meng..
a total of 9 of us ^u^
too bad Ammelia had to go off =(
we managed to watch the movie only after a few hiccups and "hardships"
haha! so it was all the more enjoyable! =)
but then,
after watching the 3D version today,
i never regret watching the movie twice,
once for each version,
i watched the normal version with Ai Suan and Aaron the other time.. ^u^
i still laughed at the funny bits,
and i really recommend ppl to watch Pixar Cartoons in 3D,
but that's if you can afford it la~!
cox the effects are niceeeeee =D
then after the movie,
we went to walk walk around,
then went to play arcade,
here's an interesting video:
Sze Yee vs Shi Yi!
and i need to improve on my coordination!! ><
then went to makan at KFC,
irony is,
we ate KFC(CM's fav), without him around =X
here's the photos! XD
act cute sia =X
everyone's eating and Derek's kissing Ci Long? *gasps*
NO LA~ LOLs, angle problem =P
Sleeping Beauty Lim Shiyi~
She sleeps at KFC~ =P
The teeny tiny weeny "Hao Laaaaa Princess",
aka MLLY (Michelle Leong Li Yi)
Sleeps in KFC too~ =P
The teeny tiny weeny Marlie!
and a grumpy pouting "Hao Laaaaa Princess" =X
Makan Makan, Talk Talk~ =)
Candid shot! =D
he's so gonna kill us~ hahaha!
then i went home earlier while the rest went to jalan jalan..
sorry that i am so spoilsport =X
but, thanks for the great day out together!
really enjoyed!!! XD
finally decided to throw away my Yamapi sneakers,
cox it's dirty, torn and tattered to the point that,
you can see my socks easily,
and it already really outlived the normal lifespan of a pair of cheapo brandless sneakers..
thanks for the 8 great months "together" ne, my dear sneakers! ^u^
it was nice wearing them~ =)
gonna look for another pair of sneakers,
maybe a plain red one?? =)
In memory of my dear Yamapi sneakers:
from the top, see how tattered and torn they are? =X
To the right it's NEWS~
To the left it's Yamapi~
My Dear Shoes, you shall be greatly missed. =)
and Jie just asked me whether i wanna go watch UP with her and Dan Dan tmr...
i'm not going la~~
watching it 3 times is a bit over?
although the story is niceeeeee,
and on top of that,
my bank is slimming down huh.. ><
so tmr's gonna be my rot-at-home-and-slack day =P
Oh, and Sze Yee,
i'm gonna cheat, =X
i'm gonna watch Buzzer Beat today and tomorrow,
since there's only 6 episodes..
so sorry..
cheating here.. ><
but yamapi is niceeeeeee XD
i changed my Blog Song too~
It's Arashi's newest Song, 5x10,
which is the song that commemorates their 10th year together as Arashi..
Cool right?
10 years man! =D
this song is nice,
i like the harmonising parts! XD
here are the lyrics! =D
Arashi - 5x10
出会って数年 あれは偶然
The years since we met was all a coincidence
泣きもするね 気付けば10年
We've even cried, by the time we noticed it's been 10 years
The balloon that rises up into the sky
The swaying ship that we luxuriously boarded
Simply laughing
For sure making dreams come true
Yes, that period when we were told what to do in our past too
It's all stored away in our hearts
焦り 不安 憤り
Impatience, unease, resentment
There were days where we felt nothing but that too
But because you were there for us
Because those smiles brought us warmth
We were able to get to this point
Your hand that grasped ours at the sides
This period of time that had passed with you
なんかね 今はまだただ照れるね
For some reason, we're still a bit shy
The winds that gathered inside us, the sadness that we couldn't support too
あなたがいたから 笑顔にできた
It was because you were there that we were able to smile
無敵に奏でた 不協和音は
The unrivaled dissonance that we used to play
Saw all these different worlds
By the time we noticed, somewhere along the way
もう 僕らになってた
That had already turned into us
We genuinely cried (The time that had passed was full of love)
We genuinely laughed (We really have nothing else left but words)
We genuinely worried (Let's face forward once again)
We genuinely lived (With this large accumulated portion of love)
今がある 胸をはれる
And now, we can stand tall with pride
一歩一歩 近い道などないなら
One step at a time, if there are no roads close by
We can only take the road we believe in
If you ever shed tears
We'll meet you here again
この愛変らず 奴らからただ愛を送る(Yeah)
This love will never change, we'll send you nothing but love (Yeah)
ともに望む未来という for you(Yeah)
And wish for the future together, for you (Yeah)
先の山は風で超えれ 飛べる
Surpass the mountain ahead with the wind, fly
We'll dye the surroundings with our colours
The sky that we gazed up at by ourselves
Were you looking at it too?
なら歌うよ 空に向かって
Sing if you have then, face the sky
そう 力の限り
That's right, with everything you've got
We genuinely cried (The time that had passed was full of love)
We genuinely laughed (We really have nothing else left but words)
We genuinely worried (Let's face forward once again)
We genuinely lived (With this large accumulated portion of love)
今がある 胸をはれる
And now, we can stand tall with pride
If our converged voices will not disappear
誓えるよ この愛を 百年先も
We'll make a vow then, no matter how many centuries pass
We'll make smiles blossom with this love
You've always, always been in our hearts
That's why we want to try conveying this
Thank you
これからも ありがとう
From here on too, thank you
ここに立っている 僕たちが今
The us that's standing here now
輝けるのは 君がいるから
are shining because of you
五人でいる ずっといる
The five of us are here, we'll always be here
If you turn everything up until now into strength
変わらぬ愛で 包み込んだら
And wrap it up in unchanging love
永遠が ほら 永遠が
Eternity, look, eternity
Was created only for you and I
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